Bite Harmony…If The Tooth fits

Have you ever stopped to contemplate why only the lower jaw moves? This is because the upper jaw is part of the skull and is stationary. In fact, the lower jaw moves in many directions-up ...

Flossing: The Thing We Love To Hate!

Most people will admit that they don't floss their teeth on a regular daily basis. We know because we ask....every time! Yet, people feel guilty because they don't floss often enough. On the top 10 ...

Routine Dental Care Saves Lives

As you know, we are big believers in the routine dental checkup! There are so many things we can accomplish with this appointment, that’s it’s difficult for us to imagine anyone NOT making it a ...

The Value of Professional Teeth Whitening

If your teeth aren’t as bright as they once were, today you have a lot of options for how you’ll get your smile back to it’s bright, youthful color and shine. Our dental practice in ...