Have a Hollywood Smile at the Snap of Your Fingers

We see patients quite a bit who are usually very content with their smiles, but sometimes they just wish they could have a stunning Hollywood smile that would make their entire face light up! Maybe a patient wants a stunning smile, but doesn’t want the discomfort and fear associated with complex cosmetic dental work. In either case, we have the solution with Snap On Smiles!

Usually a cosmetic procedure would require several visits and some discomfort for your smile. After all, we can’t just glue a perfect smile in place and expect it to stay there forever. Instead, we have to prepare your teeth, often by removing enamel. We then bond those cosmetic pieces permanently in place. You will never see your natural smile again, because once you do the work to prepare the tooth, you won’t want it to be seen without a restoration. Most patients are ok with that, but not all.

Snap On Smiles: The Best of Both Worlds

Snap On Smiles is the only solution that allows you to have your cake and eat it, too. You can maintain your natural, healthy smile until the end of your days, but you can also have a Hollywood smile that snaps into place over your natural teeth. Whether you only want it for special occasions, or if you want to wear Snap On Smiles every day, the choice is up to you! You’ll feel comfortable and confident no matter what!

Getting the smile of your dreams has never been as easy as Snap On Smiles. To learn more, contact us today. We would love to show you the styles and colors that are available. If you are interested, we can go ahead and take measurements of your smile to begin work! Your new smile will be ready to go in about two weeks. Then you’ll be free to show off your Hollywood smile whenever you choose!
