Bite Harmony…If The Tooth fits

Have you ever stopped to contemplate why only the lower jaw moves? This is because the upper jaw is part of the skull and is stationary. In fact, the lower jaw moves in many directions-up ...

The ABC’s of a Child’s Teeth

When it comes to children's dental health, the best possible time to start the care and feeding of your baby's mouth is while you are pregnant. At around three weeks, before you're even sure you ...

Nobody Told Me!! Dental Knowledge

  Wait...What?!  I had NO idea!! All to often we walk through our day not knowing what will become of it, however, what if there was a way. What if you found out days, months, weeks, ...

It Takes Two To Tango

Since it takes two to tango, a good relationship between you and your dentist takes communication and effort. Here are a few dos and donts that will put you on the most valuable patient list: 1. Do ...

Hygiene, Fillings, and Extractions-Then and Now

The dental office at the turn of the twentieth century now seems completely unfamiliar to us. The typical dentist of our time operates out of stand alone building or office complex with a vast array ...